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LTS2000 Antenna

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Motorola 8505241U06 Antenna:  This  8505241U06   is an 806-941 MHz, 4-inch ¼ wave stubby antenna. The  8505241U06 Antenna  is ideal when the radio is worn on a belt because the short antenna is non-obtrusive. The  8505241U06  is a broadband antenna that can be used for both 800 and 900 MHz applications. Band 800 MHz,900 MHz, Frequency range 806-941. Length 4, Type Stubby.  
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Motorola
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Motorola 8505241U03 Antenna  This  8505241U03  is an 800 MHz 1/2 wave, 806-870 MHz, 7 inch whip antenna. The 8505241U03 Antenna is a Flexible Whip Antenna with a one-piece finish, steel core, and spiral wound conductor for optimal radiation characteristics.  The   8505241U03  is Band 800 MHz, Frequency range 806-869 MHz 
Radio ModelMTX·LS , XTS 4250 , MTX800 , VISAR , JT1000 , PM1500 , XTS 5000 , MTX8250 , XTS 1500 , LTS 2000 , PRO5350 LTR Trunking Portable , MTX8250·LS , XTS 2250 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6580 , PRO5550 PP Trunking Portable , ASTRO Saber , MTX838 , XTS 2500 , MT 1500 , PRO7350 LTR Trunking Portable , GTX LTR Portable , MTX9000 , XTS 3000 , MT2000 , PRO7550 PP Trunking Portable , GTX Privacy Plus Portable , MTX9250 , XTS 3500 , MTS2000 , STX , HT1000 Manufacturer Motorola