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SL 7550 radio battery

HKNN4013 Battery : The  HKNN4013  is an Original Motorola Battery. The  HKNN4013 Radio Battery  Features 1800 Milliamps, Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) Chemistry and works with the MotoTRBO SL 7550. The  HKNN4013 Hi-Cap Battery  requires the purchase of the PMLN6001A Hi-Cap Battery Cover if you are currently using the Standard 1400 milliamp battery. Even the extra purchase of the bigger back cover your talk time surely out weighs the upgraded cost
Chemistry TypeLI-ION Voltage3.7
HKNN4013A Battery : The  HKNN4013A  is an Original Motorola Battery. The  HKNN4013A Radio Battery  Features 1800 Milliamps, Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) Chemistry and works with the MotoTRBO SL 7550. The  HKNN4013A Hi-Cap Battery  requires the purchase of the PMLN6001A Hi-Cap Battery Cover if you are currently using the Standard 1400 milliamp battery. Even the extra purchase of the bigger back cover your talk time surely out weighs the upgraded cost
Chemistry TypeLI-ION Voltage3.7