CM300 Mics

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Motorola HMN1056D MICROPHONE, COMPACT. Features Compact size, with 8-pin connector for the Motorola CDM750, CDM1250, CDM1550, GM300, MaxTrac, CM200, CM300, PM400 and many others. HMN1056D replaces HMN1056 . HMN1056D MICROPHONE, COMPACT
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Motorola
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Motorola HMN3596A  Compact palm microphone with 7 foot coil cord.  HMN3596A  is replacing  HMN3596 .  HMN3596A  Compact palm microphone with 7 foot coil cord.
Manufacturer Battery Clearance
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$8850 $8200
Motorola RMN5029A  Enhanced Keypad Microphone with 7 ft. Coil Cord with Clip.  RMN5029A  replaces  RMN5029 .  RMN5029A  Enhanced Keypad Microphone with 7 ft.
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