APX 6000 LI Batteries, Parts and Accessories

APX 6000 Li Chargers, APX 6000 Li Carrying Cases, APX 6000 Li Ear Pieces, APX 6000 Li Speaker Mics, APX 6000 Li Antennas and APX 6000 Li Batteries. We carry a complete line of APX 6000 Li Parts and Accessores to meet your APX 6000 Li Accessories needs.

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This PMNN4494A Battery comes with the newest IMPRES 2 Technology, 5100mAh, Lithium Ion Chemistry (Li-Ion) and Water Protection Rating of IP68. The PMNN4494A is a Tall Battery and can withstand being submersed in water. The PMNN4494A Battery has a rated run time of 21.5 hours based on duty use of 5/5/90
Chemistry TypeLI-ION Dust ResistantYES
The PMNN4504A is Li-ion 3400mAh Ruggedized (SHORT BATTERY). Motorola PMNN4504A BATTERY is an Impress 2 Battery, Intrisically Safe Battery, IP68 Rated for Submersibility. PMNN4504A is UL Intrinsically Safe ISA Div 2
Dust ResistantYES Chemistry TypeLI-ION
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The PMNN4547A Battery features Lithium Ion Chemistry, IMPRES 2 Technology, Rated IP68 for Submersibility, Intrinsically Safe TIA4950 UL Approved and 3100 Milliamps Top End
Chemistry TypeLI-ION Dust ResistantYES
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The PMNN4573A battery comes with the newest IMPRES 2 Technology and is rated at 4600mAh. The PMNN4573 is a very Rugged (TALL BATTERY) with an IP68 Rating which means it's submersible and also lighter due to the Li-Ion style battery. The PMNN4573A also comes Intrinsically Safe with the rating of TIA4950 UL Approved
Chemistry TypeLI-ION Dust ResistantYES
The RLN4941A Earpiece is a Motorola Original Receive Only 3.5mm plug that will fit any Remote Speaker Mic or Public Safety Mic that has the 3.5mm accessory port
Warranty12 Months Surveillance Kits/PiecesRemote Mic Earpiece
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