CP180 Batteries, Parts and Accessories

Motorola CP180 Batteries Parts and Accessories. Battery Clearance carries a complete line of CP180 Batteries, CP180 Parts and CP180 Accessories.

5080548E02 : 5080548E02 is a replacement windscreen that fits headset boom microphones. This product offers additional hearing protection needed for consistent communication in noisy environments. The 5080548E02 is  OUR VERSION Replacement Windscreen  for OUR BRAND Boom Microphone. The 5080548E02 works with OUR BRAND HEADSET NOT MOTOROLA.  5080548E02 Radio headsets
Surveillance Kits/PiecesWindscreen for Boom Mic's Manufacturer Motorola
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75012068001 : The  75012068001  is a Motorola Original Headset Replacement Foam Ear Seals. The 75012068001 Foam Ear Seals are for replacing the Ear Seals on the Ear Cups of Radio Headsts
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Battery Clearance
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$28380 $22995
BDN6635C : This BDN6635C is Our VERSION Replacement Headset for the Motorola Original VOX Headset. Our BDN6635C comes with Noise Conceling Boom Mic, Noise Reduction Rating 24dB, Heavy Duty Design, Flexible Goose Neck Boom Mic, Kevlar Coil Cable, Oversize PTT Plus Push To Talk (PTT) located on the earcup and can be worn with some Helmets. This Version BDN6635C Does Not Require the adapter cable, Ours Connects Directly to the Radio saving you Time and Money.  This unit is Not VOX. Our Unit Comes with a 3 Year Warranty.  BDN6635C RADIO HEADSET . 
Warranty36 Months Manufacturer Battery Clearance
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$28380 $22995
BDN6645A : This BDN6645A is Our VERSION Replacement Heavy Duty Headset for the Motorola Original Headset. Our BDN6645A comes with Noise Conceling Boom Mic, Noise Reduction Rating 24dB, Heavy Duty Design, Flexible Goose Neck Boom Mic, Kevlar Coil Cable, Oversize PTT Plus Push To Talk (PTT) located on the earcup and can be worn with some Helmets. This Version BDN6645A Does Not Require the adapter cable, Ours Connects Directly to the Radio saving you Time and Money.  This unit is Not VOX. Our Unit Comes with a 3 Year Warranty.  BDN6645A RADIO HEADSET  
Warranty36 Months Manufacturer Battery Clearance
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HLN9132A: The HLN9132A is Our Replacement for the Motorola Original Pellet Style Earbud Receive Only Surveillance Kit. Our Replacement allows the user to replace or inter-change the earpiece. Also comes with a coiled kevlar coated wire which doesn't leave excess wire hanging around. Compatible Radio Models: HLN9132A, CP110, CP150, CP185, CP200, CP200·XLS, CT150, CT250, CT450, EP350, EP450, GP300, P1225, P1225 LS, PR400,    
Warranty12 Months Surveillance Kits/Pieces1 Wire Receive Only
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$4050 $2295
HMN8435A: The HMN8435A is Our Replacement for the Motorola Original Earbud (Pellete Style) with Mic and PTT. Our unit allows the user to replace only the earbud section
Surveillance Kits/Pieces1 Wire Earbud w/Mic & PTT Manufacturer Battery Clearance
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HMN9013B : This HMN9013B is OUR VERSION of the Motorola Original Radio Headset. Our HMN9013B features Adjustable head band for extended wear, Over the head design with Single Ear Speaker, Adjustable boom mic and In-Line Push-to-Talk (PTT) w/VOX Capability. Works with Left or Right Ear. VOX Works Only For Radio With Internal VOX Enabled. PTT works when VOX is not available.
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Battery Clearance
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HMN9013B : This HMN9013B is OUR VERSION of the Motorola Original Radio Headset. Our HMN9013B features Adjustable head band for extended wear, Over the head design with Single Ear Speaker, Adjustable boom mic and In-Line Push-to-Talk (PTT). Works with Left or Right Ear. VOX is not available with this unit. 3 YEAR WARRANTY.
Warranty36 Months Manufacturer Battery Clearance
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HMN 9022A : This  HMN 9022A  is  OUR VERSION  of the  Motorola Original Radio Headset. Our  HMN 9022A F eatures Behind the Head Style, Adjustable Velcro Head Strap, Dynamic Noise Cancelling Mic, Can be worn with some Hard Hats, Dual Ear Muff Speaker Cups, Noise Reduction Rating 24dB, Comes with Push-to-Talk (PTT) on Ear Cup and One with Clothing Clip, Can be worn with Either Ear, Flexible Boom Mic and Wind Sock to help limit background noise. Used by thousands of Construction Workers, Fire Fighters and Factories World Wide
Warranty36 Months Manufacturer Battery Clearance
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$3850 $3330
HMN9036A : The  HMN9036A  is Our Replacement for the Motorola Original 2 Wire Earbud (PELLET STYLE) with Clip, Mic and PTT. Our Unit allows the user to replace the Earbud if needed. Compatible Radio Models:  HMN9036A , CP110, CP150, CP200, CP200·XLS, CT150, CT250, CT450, CT450·LS, EP350, EP450, GP300, GP350, GTX Privacy Plus, GTX LTR, LTS 2000, P110, P1225, P1225 LS, P1325, PR400, PRO5150 Conv, PRO5350 LTR, PRO7150 Conv, PRO7350 LTR, PRO9150 Conv, SP50, SP50+,  
Warranty24 Months Surveillance Kits/Pieces2 Wire Earbud w/Mic and PTT
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$39380 $26980
HMN9050A : The HMN9050A is  OUR VERSION HEADSET  for the Motorola Original Heavy Duty Headset. OUR PMLN5320A Is one of the Best and Features an Over the Head Double Muff, Noise Attenuation Headset Designed for Extreme Noise Environments, Stainless Steel Cup Arms for Comfortable Even Pressure for Extened Wear, a Multi-Adjustable Noise Cancelling Boom Mic that Allows the Headset to be worn with the Mic Positioned on Either Side of the Head, A Sealed PTT on the Ear Cups, 180 Degree Gooseneck Mic Tip for Perfect Positioning,  Disconnect cable to easily change out for different radio models or easy field repair ,  3 Year Warranty . 
Warranty36 Months Manufacturer Motorola
The 25009297001 Charger Transformer is a Motorola Original 25009297001 90-134V AC charger transformer for rapid rate chargers
Battery ChargersMOTOTRBO™ DGP™ 4150+ , XPR 7350 , BPR40 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6550 , MOTOTRBO™ DGP™ 6150 , XPR 7550 , CP125 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6580 , MOTOTRBO™ DGP™ 6150+ , CP150 , PR400 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6300 , CP180 , XPR 3300 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6350 , CP200 , XPR 3500 , APX 3000, MOTOTRBO™XPR™6380 , MOTOTRBO™ DGP™ 4150 , XPR 6100 , APX 4000 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6500 Voltage90-134V
4204004K01 : The 4204004K01 is a Motorola Original Headset Replacement Adjustable Headstrap. The 4204004K01 Headstrap fits HMN9021A, HMN9022A and NMN6259A Radio Headsets
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Motorola
5080548E02 : The 5080548E02 is a Motorola Original Replacement Windscreen for Headset Boom Microphone. 5080548E02 offers additional hearing protection needed for consistent communication in noisy environments. The 5080548E02 works with Part # 3280376E35 not included. 5080548E02 Radio headsets Compatible with Replacement O Ring Part # 3280376E35 sold separately.
Surveillance Kits/PiecesWindscreen for Boom Mic's Manufacturer Motorola
75012068001 : The  75012068001  is a Motorola Original Headset Replacement Foam Ear Seals. The 75012068001 Foam Ear Seals are for replacing the Ear Seals on the Ear Cups of Radio Headsts
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Motorola
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BDN6648C: The BDN6648C is a Motorola Original Heavy Duty Radio Headset. The BDN6648C Features Heavy Duty Behind the Head, Double Ear Muff Speakers, Adjustable Noise Cancelling Boom Mic, Noise Reduction Rating 24dB and PTT
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Motorola
BDN6773 : The BDN6773 is a Motorola Original Radio Headset. The BDN6773 features Adjustable Headset, Boom Mic and Single Ear Muff Speaker. To Transmit you must use the transmit button on the radio or purchase separately VOX/PTT Adapter(BDN6775A). GP300 & GP350 may require Radio Adapter to match 2 prong plug
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Motorola
BDN6773A : The BDN6773A is a Motorola Original Radio Headset. The BDN6773A features Adjustable Headset, Boom Mic and Single Ear Muff Speaker. To Transmit you must use the transmit button on the radio or purchase separately VOX/PTT Adapter(BDN6775A)
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Motorola
EPNN9288A: The EPNN9288A is a Motorola Original EPNN9288A 90-134V AC charger transformer for rapid rate chargers
Battery ChargersMOTOTRBO™ DGP™ 4150+ , XPR 7350 , BPR40 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6550 , MOTOTRBO™ DGP™ 6150 , XPR 7550 , CP125 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6580 , MOTOTRBO™ DGP™ 6150+ , CP150 , PR400 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6300 , CP180 , XPR 3300 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6350 , CP200 , XPR 3500 , APX 3000, MOTOTRBO™XPR™6380 , MOTOTRBO™ DGP™ 4150 , XPR 6100 , APX 4000 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6500 Voltage90-134V
HMN9013B : The HMN9013B is a Motorola Original Radio Headset. The HMN9013B features Adjustable head band for extended wear, Over the head design with Single Ear Speaker, Flexible Boom Mic. To Transmit you must press the Transmit Button on the Radio. VOX Works Only For Radio With Internal VOX Enabled.
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Motorola
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