Motorola EX560·XLS Antennas, Motorola Original EX560·XLS Antennas are built to withstand time. Battery Clearance Carries a complete line of EX560·XLS Antennas

Motorola 8505644V01:  The  8505644V01 Heliflex Antenna , VHF Band, is Helical 136-150.8 MHz Heliflex antennas are specifically engineered for maximum output and greatest communication coverage. The  8505644V01 Antenna  Fits: Astro Saber,  EX560 XLS, HT1000, JT1000, MT 1500, MT2000, MTS2000, MTX838, MTX8000, MTX9000, MTX-LS, PR1500, VISAR.  All 8505644V01 antennas come with a 1 year manufacturor waranty.
Radio ModelMT 1500 , VISAR , MTS2000 , MTX8000 , ASTRO Saber , MTX838 , EX560·XLS , MTX9000 , HT1000 , MTX·LS , JT1000 , PR1500 Manufacturer Motorola
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Motorola 8505644V03 Antenna , 8505644V03 Heliflex Antenna , VHF Band, Helical 162-174 MHz Heliflex antennas are specifically engineered for maximum output and greatest communication coverage.
Radio ModelMT 1500 , VISAR , MTS2000 , XTS 1500 , MTX8000 , ASTRO Saber , XTS 2500 , MTX838 , EX560·XLS , XTS 3000 , MTX9000 , HT1000 , XTS 3500 , MTX·LS , JT1000 , XTS 5000 , PR1500 Manufacturer Motorola
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Motorola 8505644V02 Antenna  151-162MHz, 6" Helical. This is a  8505644V02  Heliflex Antenna, VHF Band, Helical 150-162 MHz Heliflex antennas are specifically engineered for maximum output and greatest communication coverage. 
Radio ModelMT2000 , VISAR , MTS2000 , XTS 3000 , MTX8000 , ASTRO Saber , MTX838 , EX560·XLS , MTX9000 , HT1000 , MTX·LS , JT1000 , PR1500 Manufacturer Motorola
PMAE4016A : The PMAE4016A is an Motorola Original Helical Antenna. The PMAE4016A is 403 - 520 MHz. Flexible antennas have a one-piece finish and steel core for optimal radiation characteristics. Provides more comfort when radio is worn with the belt
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Motorola
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Motorola PMAE4022B Antenna, PMAE4022B UHF1 403-470 MHz whip antenna - Intrinsically Safe Motorola, UHF 403-470 MHz, Frequency color code band around connector - Black. Flexible whip
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Motorola
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