Motorola MTX450 Batteries, Motorola Original MTX450 Batteries are built to withstand time. Battery Clearance carries a complete line of MTX450

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NNTN5332A: This NNTN5332A is a Motorola Original NNTN5332A Clamshell Case. Uses 12 AA Alkaline Batteries, sold separately, which can produce up to 5000 Milliamps of power. Disposable Battery Shell, Black. Ideal for emergency use. Fits Radio Models: GP320, GP340, GP360, GP640, GP680, GP1280, MTX960, HT750, HT1250, HT1250LS, HT1250LS+, HT1550, HT1550XLS, MTX8250, MTX8250LS, MTX850, MTX850LS, MTX9250, MTX950, PR860, PRO5150, PRO5350LTR, PRO5450MPT, PRO5550PP, PRO5750SZ, PRO7150, PRO7350LTR, PRO7450MPT, PRO7550PP, PRO7750SZ, PRO9150
Battery for RadioPRO5550 PP Trunking Portable , HT1250 , MTX850·LS , PRO9150 Conventional Portable , MTX1500 , PRO5750 SZ Trunking Portable , HT1250·LS , MTX950 , GP1280 , MTX450 , PRO7150 Conventional Portable , HT1250·LS+, PR860 , GP340 , MTX4500 , PRO7350 LTR Trunking Portable , HT1550 , PRO5150 Conventional Portable , GP360 , MTX8250 , PRO7450 MPT Trunking Portable , HT750 , PRO5350 LTR Trunking Portable , GP640 , MTX8250·LS , PRO7550 PP Trunking Portable , MTX 960, PRO5450 MPT Trunking Portable , GP680 , MTX850 , PRO7750 SZ Trunking Portable , MTX150 Manufacturer Motorola
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NNTN5332A: This NNTN5332A is a Replacement Shell Case for the Motorola Original NNTN5332A Clamshell Case. Uses 12 AA Alkaline Batteries, sold separately, which can produce up to 5000 Milliamps of power. Disposable Battery Shell, Black. Includes belt clip. Ideal for emergency use
Battery for RadioPRO5750 SZ Trunking Portable , HT1250·LS+, MTX950 , GP340 , MTX450 , PRO7150 Conventional Portable , HT1550 , PR860 , GP360 , MTX4500 , PRO7350 LTR Trunking Portable , HT1550·XLS , PRO5150 Conventional Portable , GP640 , MTX8250·LS , PRO7450 MPT Trunking Portable , HT750 , PRO5350 LTR Trunking Portable , GP680 , MTX850 , PRO7550 PP Trunking Portable , MTX 960, PRO5450 MPT Trunking Portable , HT1250 , MTX850·LS , GP1280 , PRO7750 SZ Trunking Portable , MTX150 , PRO5550 PP Trunking Portable , HT1250·LS , MTX9250 , GP320 , PRO9150 Conventional Portable , MTX1500 Warranty12 Months
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