Motorola P10 Chargers and Conditioners, Motorola Original Chargers and Conditioners are built to withstand time. Battery Clearance carries a complete line of Motorola P10 Chargers and Conditioners.

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2580600E05: The 2580600E05 is a Motorola Original Transformer 120V (US). Travel charger AC transformer adapts from the cigarette lighter adapter cord to an AC wall outlet for indoor use. Compatible Radio Models: PRO9150 Conv, GTX Privacy, GTX LTR, HT750, HT1000, HT1250, HT1250·LS, HT1250·LS+, HT1550·XLS, JT1000, LTS 2000, MT2000, MTS2000, MTX838, MTX850, MTX850·LS, MTX950, MTX8000, MTX8250, MTX8250·LS, MTX9000, MTX9250, MTX·LS, P10, P1225, P1225 LS, PR860, PRO5150 Conv, PRO5350 LTR, PRO5550 PP, PRO7150 Conv, PRO7350 LTR, PRO7550 PP, GP300
Battery ChargersMTX8250·LS , PRO5350 LTR Trunking Portable , HT750 , MTX·LS , GTX Privacy Plus Portable , MTX838 , PRO5550 PP Trunking Portable , JT1000 , P10 , HT1000 , MTX850 , PRO7150 Conventional Portable , LTS 2000 , P1225 , HT1250 , MTX850·LS , PRO7350 LTR Trunking Portable , MT2000 , P1225 LS , HT1250·LS , MTX9000 , PRO7550 PP Trunking Portable , MTS2000 , PR860 , HT1250·LS+ , MTX9250 , PRO9150 Conventional Portable , GP300 , MTX8000 , PRO5150 Conventional Portable , HT1550·XLS , MTX950 , GTX LTR Portable Manufacturer Motorola
  3080384G15 : The 3080384G15 is a Motorola Original Cigarette Lighter Adapter for Motorola Conditioning Chargers. Charge your batteries and detect faulty ones on the go with this vehicular power adapter. The Motorola conditioning charger recharges NiCd and NiMH batteries while minimizing overheating and overcharging, and can detect faulty batteries in seconds. Use the power adapter to plug your charger into your vehicle.  Compatible with WPLN4102, WPPN4013AR, WPPN4065, and WPLN4107BR.  
Battery ChargersLTS 2000 , P1225 LS , HT1250 , XTS 3500 , MTX900 , Saber II R , CP250 , MT1000 , P200 , HT1250·LS+ , MTX9000 , CT450 , SP10 , MT2000 , P50 , HT1550·XLS , MTX·LS , CT450·LS , SP50 , MTS2000 , PR860 , HT600 , P10 , GP300 , SP50+ , MTX800 , PRO5150 Conventional Portable , HT750 , P110 , GP350 , VISAR , MTX8000 , Saber , ASTRO Saber , JT1000 , P1225 , GTX Privacy Plus Portable , XTS 3000 , MTX838 , Saber I R , CP150 Manufacturer Motorola
RLN5914A:  The RLN5914A is a Motorola Original Universal Mounting Bracket for Travel Charger; includes screws and nylon cord (included with RLN4883A and RLN4884).  Compatible Radio Models: GP300, P110, P1225, P1225LS, GTX Privacy, GTX LTR, PRO9150, PRO7550, PRO7350 LTR, PRO7150 CONV, PRO5550, PRO5350 LTR, PRO5150 CONV, PR860, MTXLS MTX9250, MTX9000, MTX8250LS, MTX8000, MTX950, MTX850LS, MTX850, MTX838, MTS2000, MT2000, LTS2000, JT1000, HT1550XLS, HT1250LS+, HT1250LS, NT1250, HT1000, HT750  
Battery ChargersMTX8250·LS , PRO5150 Conventional Portable , HT750 , MTX·LS , GTX Privacy Plus Portable , MTX838 , PRO5350 LTR Trunking Portable , JT1000 , P10 , HT1000 , MTX850 , PRO5550 PP Trunking Portable , LTS 2000 , P110 , HT1250 , MTX850·LS , PRO7150 Conventional Portable , MT2000 , P1225 , HT1250·LS , MTX9000 , PRO7350 LTR Trunking Portable , MTS2000 , P1225 LS , HT1250·LS+ , MTX9250 , PRO7550 PP Trunking Portable , GP300 , MTX8000 , PR860 , HT1550·XLS , MTX950 , PRO9150 Conventional Portable , GTX LTR Portable Manufacturer Motorola
NTN1667A : The  NTN1667A  is Our Replacement Charger for the Motorola Single Desk Top Tri Chemistry Battery Charger. 110V AC. These chargers support Nickel Cadmium, Nickel Metal Hydride, and Lithium-ion batteries. They will rapid charge most batteries to 90% capacity in one to two hours and employ trickle and maintenance modes that ensure batteries are safely charged to their full capacity. When ordering this item please let us know what is your radio model
Battery ChargersMOTOTRBO™XPR™6380 , CT150 , PRO5150 Conventional Portable , GP360 , XTN Series , MTX838 , BPR40 , P1325 , MOTOTRBO™ DGP™ 4150 , MTS2000 , GP1280 , Saber I R , MX1000 , HT1250 , XTS 3000 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6500 , CT250 , PRO7150 Conventional Portable , GP600 , XTN446 , MTX850 , CP100 , P200 , MOTOTRBO™ DGP™ 4150+ , MTX638 , GP2000 , Saber II R , MX2000 , HT1550 , XTS 3500 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6550 , CT450 , PRO9150 Conventional Portable , GP640 , XTN500 , MTX850·LS , CP125 , P210 , MOTOTRBO™ DGP™ 6150 , SP10 , MTX800 , GP300 , MX3000 , HT600 , XTS 4250 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6580 , CT450·LS , PTX600 , GP680 , XTN600 , MTX900 , CP150 , PR1500 , MOTOTRBO™ DGP™ 6150+ , GP320 , SP50 , MTX8000 , P10 , HT750 , XTS 5000 , MT 1500 , EX500 , RDU2020 , GP900 , XTS 1500 , MTX9000 , CP200 , PR400 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6300 , GP340 , SP50+ , MTX8250 , ASTRO Saber , P110 , HT800 , MT1000 , EX600 , RDV2020 , HT10 , XTS 2250 , MTX950 , MOTOTRBO™XPR™6350 , CP250 , PRO2150 , GP350 , VISAR , MTX8250·LS , AX Series , P1225 , JT1000 , MT2000 , GP1200 , Saber , HT1000 , XTS 2500 , MTZ2000 Chemistry TypeTri-Chemistry
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