SRX 2200 Batteries, Parts and Accessories

Motorola SRX 2200 Batteries, Parts and Accessories

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$55000 $47900
The PMMN4107C Features Protected Orange Emergency Button, Rated IP68, Large PTT, Heat resistant Housing and Cable, Volume Toggle, Programmable Button and Dual use D Ring with 360 Clothing Clip. The PMMN4107C comes in color GREEN. The PMMN4107C has a rating to handle temperatures of 500º up to 5 minutes
Clothing ClipClothing Clip and D Ring Dust ResistantYES
The PMMN4135A XVP850 Motorola Speaker Mic features New Xtreme Voice Plus (XVP), 1 and 2 Dot Program Buttons, Channel Knob, ViQi Front Button, Emergency Man Down Button, Volume Toggle, Rated IP68, Large PTT, D Ring Swivel Clip, 4 Built in Speakers for optimum noise suppression while transmitting or receiving, 3.5mm Accessory Port for listen only earpiece, Automatically adjusts volume based on the loud or soft talkers receiving
Clothing ClipRotational, Replaceable Clothing Clip Emergency ButtonEmergency Button Yes
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The PMMN4136 is the best alturnative replacement for the HMN4101, HMN4103 and HMN4104 models. The PMMN4136 is the next generation Radio Mic for the New APX Next Radios and will be ready to ship soon. The PMMN4136A features Emergency Button, Repaceable Cable, Louder and Clearer Audio, 3.5mm Accessory Port, Rotating Clip, IP68 Rated, Volume Control, Programmable Button, ViQi and Two Year Warranty And the best part, it comes with ViQi, this is your virtual assistant. The Dedicated ViQi button with a quick touch can quickly provide information to keep you safe and effective. Checking a driver's license? Just ask her. Need to run a plate? She's on it. She'll even discreetly warn you to move out of earshot if she has important information to share
Clothing ClipRotational, Replaceable Clothing Clip Emergency ButtonEmergency Button Yes
The PMNN4485 is Now Replacing the PMNN4403, by ordering this battery your will receive the New and Improved IMPRES 2 battery.
aaa UPC00748091001697 Warranty12 Months
The PMNN4485A is Now Replacing the PMNN4403, by ordering this battery your will receive the New and Improved IMPRES 2 battery.
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Motorola
The PMNN4485A is Now Replacing the PMNN4403, by ordering this battery your will receive the New and Improved IMPRES 2 battery.
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Motorola
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This PMNN4485A Battery is a Motorola Original Battery. The PMNN4485A is an IMPRES 2 Technology, IP68 Battery with greater protection against water damage. Rated (IP68). IMPRES Technology, Lithium Ion (LiIon) Chemistry, 2550 Milliamps. 3.39 inches Tall, 2.34 inches Wide, 1.45 inches Depth
Chemistry TypeLI-ION Warranty12 Months
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Our PMNN4486 replaces the Motorola Original with a greater milliamp rating of 4800mAh. The higher rating of our PMNN4486 allows you to easily make it through long extended shifts knowing you have the power you need. Our PMNN4486 comes with a Rating of IP68, Li-ion, 4800mAh, Ruggedized and is a SHORT BATTERY. The PMNN4486A   battery works with Impres and Non Impres chargers. Our PMNN4486 is also known as NNTN7038, PMNN4486A and PMNN4403. Don't get stuck paying high prices for the same results.
Warranty18 Months Manufacturer Battery Clearance
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The PMNN4486A is Li-ion 3400mAh Ruggedized (SHORT BATTERY). Motorola PMNN4486A BATTERY is an Impress 2 Battery. PMNN4486A is IP68 which is the highest rating available for Dust and Emersion in water depths of up to one meter
Warranty18 Months Manufacturer Motorola
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The PMNN4487A is Li-ion 4850mAh Ruggedized (LONG BATTERY). Motorola PMNN4487A BATTERY is an Impress 2 Battery. PMNN4487A is IP68 which is the highest rating available for Dust and Emersion in water depths of up to one meter
Warranty18 Months Manufacturer Motorola
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This PMNN4494A Battery comes with the newest IMPRES 2 Technology, 5100mAh, Lithium Ion Chemistry (Li-Ion) and Water Protection Rating of IP68. The PMNN4494A is a Tall Battery and can withstand being submersed in water. The PMNN4494A Battery has a rated run time of 21.5 hours based on duty use of 5/5/90
Chemistry TypeLI-ION Dust ResistantYES
The PMNN4504A is Li-ion 3400mAh Ruggedized (SHORT BATTERY). Motorola PMNN4504A BATTERY is an Impress 2 Battery, Intrisically Safe Battery, IP68 Rated for Submersibility. PMNN4504A is UL Intrinsically Safe ISA Div 2
Dust ResistantYES Chemistry TypeLI-ION
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The PMNN4547A Battery features Lithium Ion Chemistry, IMPRES 2 Technology, Rated IP68 for Submersibility, Intrinsically Safe TIA4950 UL Approved and 3100 Milliamps Top End
Chemistry TypeLI-ION Dust ResistantYES
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The PMNN4573A battery comes with the newest IMPRES 2 Technology and is rated at 4600mAh. The PMNN4573 is a very Rugged (TALL BATTERY) with an IP68 Rating which means it's submersible and also lighter due to the Li-Ion style battery. The PMNN4573A also comes Intrinsically Safe with the rating of TIA4950 UL Approved
Chemistry TypeLI-ION Dust ResistantYES
RLN4815A Radio Pack : The RLN4815A Pack is a Motorola Original Nylon Waist Pack. The RLN4815A RadioPAk is lightweight and comfortable. Worn around the waist, it keeps radios and phones at hand. It features a separate 6 x 8 inch zippered pouch for other on-the-job necessities. An adjustable woven nylon belt fits both men and women. Will virtually fit almost every radio
Holster/Carry TypeUniversal Nylon Waist Pack Warranty12 Months
The RLN4941A Earpiece is a Motorola Original Receive Only 3.5mm plug that will fit any Remote Speaker Mic or Public Safety Mic that has the 3.5mm accessory port
Warranty12 Months Surveillance Kits/PiecesRemote Mic Earpiece
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The RLN5312B Surveillance Kit is a Motorola Original Surveillance Kit. The RLN5312B 2 Wire Kit comes with Clear Acoustical Coiled Ear Tube, Large PTT, 3.5mm Threaded Plug
Warranty12 Months Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola RLN5878A : The  RLN5878A  is a Motorola Original 1 Wire Surveillance Kit with Ear Hook. One Wire for Receiving. Compatible Radio Models: RLN5878A, APX 6000, APX 7000, APX 7000XE, MOTOTRBO DGP 4150, MOTOTRBO DGP 4150+, MOTOTRBO DGP 6150, MOTOTRBO DGP 6150+, MOTOTRBO XPR 6300, MOTOTRBO XPR 6350, MOTOTRBO XPR 6380, MOTOTRBO XPR 6500, MOTOTRBO XPR 6550, MOTOTRBO XPR 6580
Warranty12 Months Surveillance Kits/Pieces1 Wire Receive Only
The Motorola RLN6424B is a Motorola Original Receive Only Earpiece. The RLN6424B Recieve Only Earpiece is for use with HMN4101, HMN4103, HMN4104 Remote Speaker Mics. The RLN6424B Earpiece Comes with 0105954U29 Clear Acoustical Ear Tube and 67009254001 Soft Rubber Ear Tip and 8 Pin Connector that fits the speaker mics mentioned above. This Purchase Does Not Include Speaker Mic
aaa UPC00748091001246 Surveillance Kits/PiecesReceive Only Earpiece
Motorola RLN6434 : The  RLN6434 Charger  is a Motorola Original Travel Charger for APX Models. The  RLN6434 Travel Charge  Features Small Compact Design allows the radio to be used while rapid charging in the charger base. Unit includes a voltage regulated vehicular charger adapter, custom charger base, nylon strap, mounting bracket and coil cord. Plugs into the vehicle's accessory socket. Allows the user to keep fully charged while on the go. This is not an IMPRES charger but will still charge your impres batteries without harm
aaa UPC00748091001949 Chemistry TypeTri-Chemistry
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